Monday, August 31, 2009

New School Year

Tomorrow is the beginning of a new school year in the raeleo home. My (almost) 15 year old stepson will begin his sophomore year of high school, and my two younger sons and I will be starting our homeschool year.

My son Andy, 7, was homeschooled last year, for first grade. Before that he had attended a Montessori school, and was very successful there. He had a wonderful teacher who worked hard with my bright, outside the box thinker. My husband and I were worried when we were faced with the prospect of sending our son to public school. We did not want to stiffle his creativity, or make him miserable (the teachers would drive him crazy, he would drive them crazy...) in the school options in our area. So we decided that the best option for him (and us) was to homeschool.

Our first year went well, though there were a few bumps in the road that come with one person being mother and teacher. But I think in the end, we were all happy with our choice.

This year Julian, 5, will be beginning kindergarten, and homeschooled. I have some trepidation when I think of teaching two boys with different learning styles and in different grades. My plan is to teach each on their own level for math, reading, and language arts. We will combine social studies, science and art.

This blog will follow the ups and downs of our school year. Hopefully there will be a lot more ups.