Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of School

This is the first day of our 2009-2010 school year. It could be said that one never stops homeschooling (including most families that send their kids "out" to school), so for me, today is the day that I start chronicling the things that we do to make the powers that be happy. I chose this day because their older brother started public school today. I think that if he had been at his mom's house this week, I would have waited until after labor day.

Today actually started last night when the kids would not go to sleep. I think they were a bit worked up over school starting. They are the best of friends and share a bedroom so it is always a bit of a task to get them to sleep, but last night seemed a little harder. I reminded them that they would be very grumpy when they had to get up at 7:30, and they were indeed.

We began the school day with a walk around the neighborhood. This is a new idea. I was not sure that they would take it well, but surprisingly they did. It was a beautiful morning with a touch of fall chill in the air. The boys spent the walk talking to me, and racing from sunny spot to sunny spot on the street. We talked to some neighbors, and it was a good time. They are excited to do it again, and I am, too. I think it is a great way to let them talk and get some of their ideas out before having to buckle down and work.

When we got back, I explained our new sticker reward system. In this system, the boys earn stickers which will accumulate and garner rewards at certain levels (20 stickers equals a Dairy Queen snack, 80 gets a trip to Chuck E Cheese). I debated a school=reward system before deciding that it was worth a try. Last year I had some difficulties getting my son to sit down and do things I needed him to do. He is still learning the basics, and there are things he
needs to learn. With the sticker program they can earn a sticker for an overall good day, and for doing things especially well. Both boys are excited for this program, but my older son "gets it," and I am not sure that my younger one does entirely.

The public schools had a half day today, so I figured that we would have a light day as well. Their first task was to make a cover for their portfolio binders. Jules, my 5 year old, was finished quickly, while Andy (7) took over an hour --and several sheets of paper-- to tell the tale of a woman who had too many cats. And owls. With lots of owl pellets.

Jules read two early reader books, and got a sticker after a LOT of coaxing. This is his first year of formal homeschooling, and this summer he decided that it would be good to utilize his free will. I have a feeling things will be bumpy with Jules this fall.

Andy read a Magic School Bus phonics book and did a fantastic job. He doesn't like to read, because unlike everything else, reading doesn't come easy. He was taught phonics in kindergarten, and I think that he would have managed better with a whole word approach, as he still thinks he needs to sound EVERYTHING out. Including his name. And is it interesting, as he will sound out a word like climb, making the sound for every letter ( C-LIM-B), then know that it says climb. Last year we had a rough time, but I am happy to report that he read his book beautifully today. No complaints. I was very proud.

That was all for today. Andy got 2 stickers, Jules, 1. Tomorrow is a full day for public school and a longer day for us. Both boys are into owls this summer, so we are devoting the remainder of our abbreviated week to owls and birds. Books and crafts and bird watching. It should be fun.

I wish all of you a fantastic beginning to your school year.