Friday, October 30, 2009


My boys favorite activity is programming in Scratch. It is a programing environment that is made of "puzzle pieces" that are easily put together to make the icons on the screen move or whatever else you might want them to do. My 7 year old started programming in Scratch almost two years ago. He started with simple movements-- the Scratch cat just moving back and forth across the screen. He added different elements and started drawing his own sprites to animate. He can also download pictures that he finds on the internet and add them to the scenes he creates. My 5 year old is quickly becoming as proficient as his big brother. Together they make scenes and games. It is great fun, and they will spend the entire day working on a project.

Some of my family's projects:

A Link to get scratch for yourself:


  1. Thanks for the post link. My son and daughter are becoming computer savvy and I think they would like this.

  2. I found your blog via the Carnival of Unschooling. My son is also a keen Scratch programmer. We've also just found one called Alice that looks pretty cool too. Looking forward to reading more of your blog.

  3. Thanks for following my blog! And congrats on the switch to unschooling. You picked a good day to read my blog cuz I actually talked about unschooling. :-) I have a few other posts coming up, too. Anyway, just wanted to say hi!
